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Laatste wijziging: 25-12-2015 17:17


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Below you will find the the list of presentations, including a short introduction. After the event you may also find the slideshows and/or presentation papers here.

Almost everything you wanted to know about Extended Attributes (Keith Merrington)

Extended attributes form an important part of OS/2 - eCS. This presentation is a tour de force that will cover what EA's are, their uses, pitfalls, the various types, standard and common EA's, their formats and information contained per format, their relationship to the file system, what you can and cannot do with EA's. Also a brief survey of EA utilities, the API's available for a programmer to handle EA's, the structure of EA's in memory plus some references on how to program EA's.

Keith Merrington-Extended Attributes.pdf

An update on FM/2, eFTE, lSwitchter and more (Gregg Young)

Gregg will tell you about the latest developments on FileManager/2, the eFTE text editor, lSwitcher desktop switcher and more.

FM/2 presentation

eFTE presentation

lSwitcher presentation

Other software presentation

Arca Noae, the story so far (Lewis Rosenthal)

In this session, we'll review the mission statement of Arca Noae, the team, contributing developers, testers, and translators. We'll outline current projects, and discuss our roadmap and where the Company is headed for the remainder of 2015, taking a peek forward from there. Finally, we'll address questions from the group and listen to product and service suggestions.

Arca Noae - The story so far.pdf

Device drivers: recent progress and future plans (David Azerewicz)

In this session, we will review the progress and future plans of some key drivers for OS/2. We will cover some of the issues that were encountered and the solutions that were implemented. There should also be time to address questions from the audience.

Presentation (PDF)

EasySync, an update (Keith Merrington)

EasySync is a synchronisation program with a simple but powerful graphical interface which shows which files which should be updated, files that have been deleted, files that are missing, files that are newer and older etc..

The soon to be released version 3.0 includes a number of important improvements and additions. This presentation will not only discuss these new functions and improvements but give an insight into the workings of this synchronisation program.

Presentation (PDF)

History and future of the OS/2 VOICE foundation (Roderick Klein)

In this session, Roderick Klein, the chairmain of the OS/2 VOICE foundation will provide a brief history of the foundation, its goals and achievements. After that, he will give an overview of current and future activities, such as revitalizing the newsletter, updates to the website, ways to facilitate future WarpStock Europe events and reach out to other OS/2 organisations (OS/2 Worlds, Netlabs, etc).

Presentation (PDF)

OS/2 troubleshooting (Steve Levine)

This presentation will be given over the internet.

All you ever wanted to know about figuring out what's gone wrong.

Presentation (PDF)

When programs collide (Gregg Young)

How to find and fix code in open source software which breaks other software.


Writing device drivers, the easy way (David Azarewicz)

This session is intended for people who may be interested learning how to write an OS/2 device driver. We will cover the basic design concepts and architecture of an OS/2 device driver as well as the components needed and some examples. If time permits, we will build and run a simple driver.

Presentation (PDF)

YUMIE: the YUM interface for end-users (Lewis Rosenthal)

As the YUMIE project continues toward its goal of a GA this year, we'll cover such issues as why it exists, what it can do to make the end-user's life with OS/2 easier, and how it is much more than just a pretty face for YUM. Assuming broadband is available, this will include a live demonstration of the latest beta.


YouTube video